Sunday, January 31, 2010

Look & See

Look, and you find that an african woman is craddling her child on a plain;
See, and you find that she's holding the only thing in the world she has - her child.

Look, and you find that a mother is caning her tearful child;
See, and you find that the mother is caning her tearful child in tears;

Look, and you find your friend wearing the same pair of shoes as he did 5 years ago;
See, and you find that it is the only pair of shoes your friend could afford.

Look, and you hate your friend for criticising you;
See, and you hate yourself for hating your friend in the beginning.

Are you looking, or seeing?


Unknown said...

Good piece.

andrew wong said...

2nd last stanza... that is so true to me.

The Antarctican said...

That is very deep and i find it strangely comforting. If you could only see what would you see?